Employee Luncheon at Draper

Employee Luncheon at Draper

Each year in early March we have our Annual Employee Meeting in the Spiceland gym. Draper’s owners tell our employees how the company did in the year just ended, and offer a forecast for the year to come.

Employee Luncheon at Draper

A good meal is served, along with an update on company news.

During the summer and fall we host a series of employee luncheons, one per week for three months, to update the current year’s forecast and share information about new developments at Draper and in the marketplace. Attendance is voluntary, and typically 35 – 40 employees attend each session. After lunch we invite questions, comments and concerns. Some weeks the dialogue is better than others, but over the years we have made a number of improvements as a result of suggestions offered by our employees at these luncheons.

In addition to a healthy exchange of information, the employee luncheons are an opportunity to break a little bread together in an informal setting and get better acquainted.


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