Paragon/Series V screens at the Phoenician Resort and Conference Center, Phoenix, AZ
Tensioned screens have an aura of mystery that surrounds them. They are the most expensive models on the market and they have a very distinctive look. So do you truly need one? Unfortunately the answer is not cut and dried. It all depends. I can hear you sighing now. Let’s see if I can help demystify this product category.
A tensioned system guarantees a perfectly flat viewing surface. On a motorized or crank operated screen, a vinyl material is stretched as the screen descends, pulling the surface flat. On a fixed frame screen, the vinyl material is held under constant tension by attaching it to a frame either via snaps or another one of our stay systems. Does this matter to you? Ask yourself this question:
- What will be displayed on my screen?

Clarion permanently tensioned screen in a private home
If your answer is data (like spreadsheets) or graphics (like hi res drawings or models), then we consider this a “high end” use. This is exactly why tensioned screens were invented. It’s worth the investment to have a perfectly flat viewing surface. A wrinkle in the surface or a curled edge could distort the image on the screen, making it difficult to see the image displayed.
But let’s not limit tensioned screens to boardroom or classroom ues. The most popular use of fixed sceens is in a residential setting. If you plan to watch movies or television programming and you want that image to be stellar so your Super Bowl Party is a huge success, then tensioned screens are the way to go. And I can guarantee when your kids break out that gaming system (or even for you closet adult gamers), they will appreciate the crisp and clear image that tensioning offers.
Tensioned screens are generally more expensive. The vinyl surfaces are specialized formulations developed specifically for your different projection needs, and the labor to make these types of screens is much higher than traditional models. But you get what you pay for. Tensioned screens are the best of the best. If you want or better yet, need, high end projection in your installation, then tensioned screens are the best solution!