New York City in late June! The weather was great (cooler than our drought-stricken state), the people wonderful (as always! I think New Yorkers get a bum rap…), and the lights!!!

June 27 and 28, the lights were on at the CEA Line Show NYC, bringing together media and trade types from around the country. The lights were also on at Sound Room #4, where Epson, Datasat, Polk Audio and Draper teamed to create a great home theatre experience. Not often do you get a great cinematic experience with the lights on, but Draper’s new High Performance XS850E viewing surface was up to the task. Lisa Montgomery, Contributing Editor of Electronic House magazine, was intrigued by the concept and wrote the following article. Please check it out!

Draper Onyx, shown in a "flex theatre"

Draper Onyx, shown in a "flex theatre" where the lights are often on.

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