Randy Clapp Retires after 39 years
Randy Clapp retired January 2, 2014, ending a career at Draper that spanned 39 years and 4 months. Randy joined us in September 1974 and was involved in window shade production his entire career. In 1981 he began to run the “mill room,” which supplied spring rollers and slats for our window shades. He became the Department Head in FlexShades in 1995, and played a key role in the most explosive period of growth in our 111 years in the window shade business.
As a manager Randy was firm but fair, and took tremendous pride in shipping a quality product on time to meet our customers’ needs.
Randy’s wife Michelle continues at Draper as the Shade Component Handler in the window shade plant.
Thanks Randy, from all of us, for a job very well done!
Congratulations Randy on your retirement! Enjoy the next chapter in your life!
Congratulations Randy! I enjoyed working with you, even from afar! You will be very much missed! Best wishes on your new adventures!