Today you get to meet the person who hired me and was my first boss at Draper. Lee Denhart is our Field Sales Manager, which means, among other things, that he has responsibility for our outside sales staff.

How did you come to be working at Draper?
Lee_3_M It was my senior year at Indiana University and I had come home for winter break to organize things before graduation. While at home, my mother told me about a company that was looking to hire an outside salesperson in nearby Spiceland, Indiana. I had a couple of offers to consider from companies outside of the state, but decided to check it out anyway. I called Bob Mathes (my mom taught school with his wife) and set up an interview. The company and people seemed like a good fit and offered the type of position I was looking for to start my sales career. It is also located 20 miles from where I grew up, so it gave me a good opportunity to get my feet underneath me before I ventured out on my own. Twenty-six years later I am still here and enjoying it every day.

What do you like best about your job?
Working with friends and the relationships I have developed with our customers. I am challenged (mostly in a good way!) by both almost every day, which keeps things interesting and fresh. We are also fortunate to have a very diverse product offering that is sold through a variety of channels, so there is always the opportunity to learn and grow. Draper has also given me the opportunity to visit many parts of the world that I otherwise might not have been able to experience.

What are some of your funniest moments at Draper?
I am taking the fifth on this one. I don’t want my 26th year to be my last. Suffice it to say, we work hard and we have played hard (play less hard these days).

Lee and his daughters, ready for another outing.

Lee and his daughters, ready for another outing.

What do you like to do in your time away from Draper?
Well my wife often tells me I have too many hobbies … we agree to disagree on that. I enjoy all of the “ing” activities that take place outside – biking, hiking, golfing, hunting, etc. My teenage daughters are my accomplices and primary motivators. Whether it is chasing Sydney up a steep hill on a bike or trying to beat Jesse at golf, I enjoy the challenge and the wonderful memories these activities have created. I have also recently started to homebrew different beers and ales. It’s become a really fun hobby that gets more interesting with each batch that I put up. It’s also created a unique social network of friends that share a common interest, which is always appreciated on bottling day!

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