Another Integrated Systems Europe in the books and it was a great show for Draper, Draper Europe, and Draper Group. We had a tremendous response to the new products and online tools we showed at ISE 2015.
We have continued to add new surfaces to our TecVision line and were able to show the benefits this screen technology can give customers. During the show we featured one of our ISF-certified TecVision surfaces-MS1000X Grey-under projection, and everyone who saw it was justifiably impressed. For more information on TecVision, click here. To download a free white paper on why TecVision’s ISF certification is so important, click here.
In addition to TecVision, our other big product focus at ISE was the new Access Fit, and design changes to the existing Access projection screen.
I won’t go into that too much here; we’ll have a post about that coming up Monday, February 23. For now I’ll simply say that with the Fit, Draper can now fit a ceiling-recessed screen into a much smaller space than was previously possible.
Along with that demonstration we showed our newly improved online tool, the Projection Planner. This is a tool you can use to help design a better projection system, as it is based on InfoComm’s Projected Image System Contrast Ratio (PISCR) standard. What makes this so important is the fact that it takes into account the projector being used, room size, ambient light, and the content being displayed to recommend the appropriate screen surface that will assure you have a great system and can see the information being displayed. It’s free to use the Projection Planner, however, to do so you must be registered as a user of our Pro Portal. To register, click here. For a white paper with information on the PISCR standard, click here.

Tomas Andersson, Sales Manager for Draper Europe, discusses ReAct 3.0 with the Draper ISE booth staff.
We also introduced a new website for the UK,, which will benefit all of our UK customers showing product and information relevant to their market. The website has been fully updated with all of the latest Draper products, including projection screens, projector lifts, videoconferencing solutions, solar control, and more. In addition to up-to-the minute product updates, you’ll find lots of tools, including apps, calculators, case studies, and white papers. Registration to Draper’s Pro Portal (see above) is now available, which means UK users have access to Draper’s Projection Planner—our screen design tool which is now even more powerful than ever.
Draper Europe also launched the new ReAct 3.0 surface. This popular surface now has improved ambient light rejection capabilities and viewing angles.
All in all, it was another successful show. As always, it was great seeing Draper dealers and customers from around the world at this international expo, and here’s hoping we’ll see you all back again next year!