This week’s Why Draper subject is Randy Reece. Randy is our AV Regional Sales Manager for Southern California, Southern Nevada, Arizona, and Hawaii. Randy’s relationship with Draper is interesting, because of his background growing up and living here in Indiana—and now that he’s in California, working for us!

Working at Draper
IMG_2173I grew up in Spiceland in the 1970s and Draper has always been a very important part of the Spiceland community. My family and I moved to California in 1990 when I transferred with another employer. In the late 90s I found out Draper was looking for a Regional Manager in California so it was a great opportunity for me to work for a great company, and keep a connection with the community that I have always loved. That ties into what I like best about my job: the people (both our dealers and the people I work with). It’s great to see old friends who are on the same team working to provide our customers with the best products and service we can.

WP-2014My time away from Draper has always been family time. When my kids were younger, it was working with their sports teams, either coaching or in some other capacity, but spending time with them. My wife, Mary (Bee Bee for all the locals), is also from the Spiceland/Tri High area. We have two children. Our oldest son, Tyler, has blessed us with a wonderful daughter-in-law, Ashley, and they live near us in the Fullerton, California area so we are fortunate to be able to get together frequently. Our youngest son, Trent, graduated from West Point in 2014 and is currently a platoon leader at Fort Lewis in Tacoma Washington. It’s nice having him back on the west coast so we are at least in the same time zone and can stay in touch. (Editor’s Note: Click here to read an earlier post about Trent’s graduation from West Point.)

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