How do you know which shading solutions to use? What are the latest and most dynamic developments in shade technology? Such questions can be difficult to answer as new technological advances in shading are being made.
Those questions and others were answered during a day-long training program for window shade dealers in Houston, Texas.
It was the first time Draper and Mermet USA partnered to present regional educational sessions, and the event’s success may mean more such partnerships in the months ahead.

“It was awesome to be a part of bringing a room full of dealers together to share ideas and experiences that are so common in our industry,” said Colin Blackford, director of strategy and innovation for Mermet ‘I think this was an excellent opportunity to explain all of the value that Mermet fabrics bring as part of being a complete exterior envelope solution.”
“This was definitely worthwhile,” said Patrick Herron, LEED Green Associate, Draper’s regional sales manager architectural products – south central USA. “The more technical expertise we can pass on to dealers, the better equipped they are to come up with the right solutions for the myriad of considerations on shading projects.”
During the day, attendees learned about several different areas of shading:
- Material strengths of fiberglass core yarns and how they can directly affect shade performance and the entire building ecosystem, from the perspectives of the building envelope and the people who occupy it.
- Fabric testing procedural standards and how they relate to current building codes and trends.
- How to address the architectural market more effectively.
- Advances in motorization and other shading solutions.
Dealers learned how Draper and Mermet can support them in converting a competitor’s specifications, or in designing and manufacturing project-specific custom products.
Dealers who participated found the sessions very helpful and worthwhile.
“Excellent Seminar! Learned a lot. We appreciate the invitation. Super Day – well worth the time out of office.” – Jesse & Erline Outlaw, Airline Venetian Blind Co., Inc.
“I came back to the office on Friday and was telling everyone how great the presentation from Mermet and Draper was.” – September Pinon-Teria, LEED AP ID +C, Senior Project Manager, Fast Track Specialties, LP
“The seminar was a well-organized event. I enjoyed it and retained some really good information.” – Jessica Salazar, KJ Installations, Inc.
If you’re interested in the possibility of hosting or attending a shade training session, click here to go to Draper’s contact page and reach out to the Draper representative for your area.