“Even after this pandemic is over, and when students and teachers no longer have to wear masks, I will continue to use the Clarity Shield™ Barrier in my classroom.”
That’s one of the many positive responses we have had to the introduction of Clarity Shield barriers.
The Clarity Shield is a cleanable, clear vinyl barrier designed to help prevent cross contamination between individuals in a confined place. Initially developed with schools in mind, it can be used in in any public place where people gather, including huddle rooms, office spaces, retail businesses, and health care facilities.

Here’s how one Indiana teacher uses Clarity Shield in her classroom: “I am using the shield in my speech classes. They are serving the purpose of allowing students to remove their masks to give the speeches.”
How could our transparent social distancing barriers help you? Draper architectural market manager Lee Denhart recently sat down to record this video podcast about Clarity Shield.
“Kindergarteners need to see our FACES so they can read and learn our emotions,” one teacher reminded us. “Students need our emotional support and the Clarity Shield™ Barrier allows us to easily keep that healthy distance but have a close emotional connection with our students!”
Interested in learning more? Click here to visit the Clarity Shield website. Click here to find your Draper representative and reach out for more information.