As you may be aware, Draper has been working to define our core values and how we should grow our leadership capabilities. In the first of a series of blog posts about this effort, Chief Engineer Harold Seib shared our first core value, Strategy.

In this post, Rachel Barnhart, the ADVISA consultant with whom we have been working closely on this project, will discuss our core value of partnership.

I do not work in the world of manufacturing, where precision and innovation are key drivers of success, but I suspect it is the intangible elements that lay the foundation for truly exceptional companies. One such element is the value of partnership – between departments, employees, suppliers, customers, and consultants.

My name is Rachel Barnhart, and I am a Leadership Consultant with ADVISA. As a consultant to Draper over the last year, I have observed firsthand how the value of partnership plays a crucial role in the organization’s continued success.

The Essence of Partnership
At its core, partnership is about collaboration, trust, and mutual respect. It is the understanding that together, we can achieve more than we ever could alone. For Draper, a company with a rich history spanning multiple generations, there is much evidence that partnership has played a key role in the company’s enduring success.

A Uniquely Welcoming Approach
My journey with Draper began at a pivotal moment. The company was transitioning from a previous consulting relationship, and yet, from the very first meeting, the executive team welcomed me. Their openness to new ideas and willingness to embrace feedback was significant. In my experience, it is rare to encounter a team so genuinely committed to growth and improvement.

The Value of Continuous Improvement
What stands out to me about the Draper team is their humility. Despite being a longstanding leader in the manufacturing industry, they recognize the value of seeking external expertise to drive their continued growth. This humility, combined with a deep-seated commitment to partnership, sets them apart. It speaks volumes about the company’s values and vision for the future.

Why Partnership Matters in Business
In today’s rapidly changing business landscape, partnership is more important than ever. It fosters innovation, drives growth, and builds resilient organizations. For Draper, partnership means more than just working together; it means creating a culture where every team member feels valued and empowered to contribute their best.

Culture and Leadership at Draper
Culture, as I’ve observed at Draper, is largely a function of leaders’ mindsets and behaviors. At Draper, the culture is a system of shared beliefs and values, modeled and reinforced by the leadership’s communication and behavior. This culture shapes the employee experience and creates an environment where partnership can thrive.

A Shared Journey of Growth and Success
ADVISA’s partnership with Draper is a testament to the power of collaboration. Together, we have navigated challenges, celebrated successes, and forged a path towards a brighter future. The unwavering commitment of Draper to its employees and openness to new ideas has made this journey not just successful but rewarding.

The company’s commitment to partnership is evident in every aspect of its operations. The team understands that true innovation and growth come from leveraging the collective strengths of their team and their partners. This collaborative spirit drives success and sets Draper apart in the manufacturing industry.

The Long-Term Impact of Partnership
The value of partnership extends far beyond immediate business outcomes. It creates a foundation for long-term success by building strong, resilient relationships that can withstand the inevitable ups and downs of the business world. For Draper, this means not only achieving its strategic goals but also creating a legacy of collaboration and excellence that will endure for generations to come.

A Powerful Reminder
I hope to bring to life the value of partnership that Draper embodies. It is a powerful reminder that when we work together, with trust and mutual respect, there is no limit to what we can achieve. The Draper story is a testament to the transformative power of partnership – and a model for other organizations to follow.

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