Draper Health Services

Draper Health Services

We strive to be a responsible employer. One of the most important-and expensive-employee benefits we provide is health insurance. We have been self insured since 1990. Four years ago we decided to open an on-site primary care clinic for our employees and their families. We believe we were the first medium size company in Indiana to try this idea, and it has been a huge success.

The Draper Health Services opened January 4, 2007, and is staffed by the Henry County Hospital. All appointments, routine tests and generic drugs are free to our employees.

Both Draper and our employees have enjoyed a significant financial savings from this venture. Of much greater importance, the clinic takes a more holistic approach to health care delivery than most providers. Appointments are scheduled in 15 – 20 minute blocks. The physician, who is board certified in both family practice and geriatric medicine, always takes time to inquire about the patient’s health in general. Many of our employees are now taking maintenance drugs for conditions such as high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol which were untreated four years ago. Free mammograms, PSA tests and heart scans have also identified early stage health problems which, left untreated, would have become life threatening.

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