Draper Gym Equipment Website
We have just launched a new format for the gymnasium equipment section of our website, www.draperinc.com. The site now matches the appearance of other sections of our website and is a database driven site. This should make it easier for you to navigate. It will help us maintain and update the site with the best information too, as products changes or as new products are introduced.
This update has been several months in the making and has involved many individuals at Draper. We have worked hard to make sure that content is useful and as accurate as possible as it is rolled out. Beyond having our web developers writing the necessary code and organizing the content, we had many people reading every page and checking every link and download to insure accuracy and proper function.
One neat new page you will find under basketball backstops clearly points out why Draper EZ-Fold backstops are the best basketball backstop available today. The page shows good details of each benefit and superior design that makes EZ-Fold backstops your best choice. Check this page out, and be sure to mouse over the numbers! EZ Fold Features
Draper’s website includes hundreds of handy downloads for planning, submittal, closeout, or maintenance. You will find submittal documents, CAD drawings, 3-part specifications, installation instructions, care and warranty documents and even BIM objects for our most popular products. Please also look for the link to EZ-Spec, our specification writing tool for gymnasium equipment. With EZ Spec you can follow a simple menu and generate a set of project specific 3-part CSI format specifications and planning sheets that include important dimensions and loading information required during project planning.
We will soon add a dealer locator to easily direct our web visitors to the qualified installing dealer located in each territory. The Draper team of qualified dealers can provide specifiers and owners complete service from planning stages to installation and beyond with maintenance and service.