In my life previous to Draper, I made a short detour through my father’s auto service business. It was a great learning experience, giving me insight into not only the management of a small business, but also into service sales. For example, we often had customers question us on the price of a simple tune-up. “Why so much when I can get the parts for much less at the local parts store?’ The answer was simple – we used the best quality parts, and we had trained technicians who knew how to do it correctly and in a timely manner. There was no guessing about whether or not they got it right, or doing a substandard job to get by.

Hadsell Tire

Hadsell Tire.

Too often, members of our industry forget the value of knowledge. Too often, they will sell themselves short on price in order to match the guy down the street, forgetting that they have something of great value – the knowledge to do it right, to optimize an installation and make it the best.

The CEDIA Expo is a great opportunity to obtain this kind of knowledge. Invest the time in classes, such as Draper’s “Window Shade Basics – Selling Draper Window Shades (MPT755-6)”; take the time to stop by our booth not just to see the product, but talk with our experienced sales people about how our products can help you make a difference. It is a small investment that can make a huge difference. See you in Indianapolis at CEDIA Expo 2011!

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