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AV Week: October 16-22, 2011

So I recently joined InfoComm’s manufacturer’s council. InfoComm is the trade association of the professional audiovisual and information communications industries. The mission of the manufacturer committee is to act as the information conduit for all manufacturers and their respective interests in our Industry, relating to compliance, legislation, trends, opportunities, workforce development, and sustainability.  That’s a mouthful!  The goal of the council that I found most interesting pertains promoting our industry and its activities at a local level.  They want to engage local co-op programs at all levels of education.  Visit schools, AV programs, and/or local clubs that may have an interest.  They want to leverage jobs that you, our customers, have done, and promote walk thrus to get a first hand look at how technology works from behind the scenes.

It’s great in theory but difficult in practice.  So InfoComm created AV Week (check out www.avweek.org).  Here’s some more information from InfoComm’s AV Week FAQ: “Many industries celebrate theme weeks to call attention to their causes. AV Week is a natural extension of InfoComm’s AV outreach program. It gives members tangible ways to become advocates for the industry by reaching out to end users, potential customers and employees. With many voices, we can make an impact in raising awareness. We can encourage students to consider AV careers. We can change perceptions about the industry, and we create media opportunities with print and broadcast news coverage of these events.”

The complete FAQ is available here:  http://www.infocomm.org/cps/rde/xchg/infocomm/hs.xsl/10684.htm

AV Week is October 16-22, 2011.  Is Draper going to participate? I hope so. It will be up to me to get the ball rolling. Just like it’s up to you! I’ll let you know what happens…

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