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AV Week: October 16-22, 2011

It’s official. Draper will hold our first ever AV Week event this year! We are excited to partner with our local school systems through the New Castle Area Career Programs. We will be speaking to a variety of classes – Computer Operations, Welding Technology and Machine Trades, Graphic Design, Pre-Engineering, and Building Trades. We will have different people from Draper, all from the  appropriate career path, speak to the classes on October 21st. Our volunteers will highlight the following:

  • Draper and our industries, including audiovisual
  • Their individual backgrounds and education
  • What they do during a typical day
  • How important attendance, attitude, effort, teamwork, communication, etc. are on the job
  • The job opportunities in the industry – including at Draper
  • The academic classes that are important for their area (math, science, English, etc.)
  • The types of equipment and software they use on the job
  • The most important skills to have if you want to work in the industry

Draper is a hidden gem in our community. I grew up just ten miles from Draper, but when I began searching for a job after college, I wasn’t even sure how to get here for my interview. (Luckily I found the way!) We are now the largest private sector employer in Henry County, Indiana. It’s amazing the changes that have occured in the employment climate in the twelve years I’ve been here. My hope is that by speaking with these students, we can help guide them on a path that will be fulfilling for them. At the age of 18, it’s the perfect time to go to college. You have very few true responsibilities in life. But at 18, it’s the worst time for knowing what you want to do for the rest of your life. Perhaps we can help alleviate some of that stress and end up with some good kids in the AV industry as a bonus.

I’m very proud of our volunteers and hope that they and the students feel this is a successful endeavor.


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