The Pink Haired Ladies of Draper
We had a colorful week at Draper last week in observance of Breast Cancer Awareness Week and Month. Eleanor Painter, Linda Brinson, and several other employees volunteered to coordinate a number of activities throughout the office and factory work areas. I have invited Eleanor to share about the week’s projects and the success we had–see below.
My congratulations to all involved,
Draper is a strong supporter of the Relay for Life event held each year in Henry County during the month of June. In an effort to get our 2012 fundraising off to an early start, the week of October 17th was designated Draper Goes Pink Week. The pink theme was used since October is Breast Cancer Awareness month.
The week kicked off with an “Everything Pink” bake sale. It was surprising what great ideas the Draper bakers came up with, and of course, we had an appreciative group of buyers. Mid-week we had a bagel/doughnut day. Bagels were sold in the shape of the breast cancer ribbon, and the doughnuts were iced with pink sprinkles. A raffle was held throughout the week with donated items such as handmade pink jewelry, watches and Mary Kay products. One of our resident artists even set up shop on her lunch hour and painted T-shirts with pink ribbons, pink shoes, and slogans like “Fight Like a Girl” in keeping with the pink theme.
The grand finale of the week came on Friday, which we turned into “Wear Pink and Donate” day. Pink was definitely the color of the day. Pink wigs were worn by several employees (including the owners). At lunchtime on Friday, Wendy Noe from Susan G. Komen For the Cure presented an informational lunch hour class that was attended by several employees.
- It was all about the Pink and the Draper owners were “In The Pink” on Friday!
Throughout the week, piggy banks (mostly pink of course) were on display and those pesky pigs were always wanting money and did they ever get what they wanted – our total for the week was an amazing $1,020.44. Needless to say, we are tickled pink!! Watch upcoming blogs for more of our fundraising efforts.