Draper Targa screens printed with presentation graphics

This snapshot from inside the new Ford’s Theatre Center for Education and Leadership shows two Draper Targa screens printed with presentation graphics.

I love to hear the story behind the news. This week, Draper is part of that story.

You may have seen reports in the past few days about a new Abraham Lincoln museum at Ford’s Theatre in Washington, DC. It opened officially on President’s Day. It’s cool–one impressive feature is a three-story tower built of all the books that have been written about our 16th President!

Inside the museum, you’ll see several retractable graphic displays. Those are actually Draper Targa screens with the infographic printed directly on the surface.

Kimberly Wallace, in AV Inside Sales, worked closely with the dealer on this order. She wrote some notes about her experience:

Draper was approached by our dealer Onyx Audiovisual and Split Rock Studios about a solution to retract printed art. They supplied the graphics–which were high resolution and fairly complex–and we printed them and installed them on our motorized Targa screens.

Many of our shades dealers are aware that Draper can provide graphic window shades, but this project was a little different. Graphics can be placed in many different settings where you might want the option to hide the image or piece of art. You could print anything on a Draper screen–a company logo, a US flag, a family photo…and if you would like to reserve part of the surface for projection, that’s possible too.

This was  a fun project to work on and I enjoyed working with the teams at Onyx and Split Rock.

Kimberly Wallace, AV Inside Sales

Here’s a link to the Ford’s Theatre page on the new museum:

And here’s a video from Fox News, where you can see the museum and some of the Draper screens:

Fox News Video About the Museum

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