Walking to Hawaii

The race is on...to the beaches of Hawaii

Draper has one of the best employee wellness programs in the State of Indiana. At last month’s Annual Employee Meeting Mike Broome reported that since we began our wellness program three years ago 40 Draper employees have quit smoking and our Weight Watchers participants have lost 3,083 pounds.

Mike also announced a new contest – Walk to Hawaii – to encourage Draper employees to improve their health and fitness by walking more. This contest runs from April 1, 2012 to March 1, 2013. All participating employees have been given a pedometer to record their steps, and all who walk 2,400,000 steps (which is about 5 miles per day/5 days per week) or more during the next 11 months will be entered in a drawing. The winner will receive a free trip for two to Hawaii. All steps on or off the job count toward the goal.

278 employees – over half our staff – have signed up to walk their way to Hawaii. A lot more employees are using Draper’s walking track during lunch and after work, and we’re told several have parked their riding mowers and are using old fashioned push mowers instead.

We are encouraging employees to get beginning and end weights and measurements so we will have some improvement stories to share when the year is over. One of the benefits of walking is improved mood and already we are hearing reports of improved morale and more camaraderie among the walkers.

The race is on…


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