Every year Draper mines the employee pool for children and grandchildren looking for temporary, summer employment. We had 21 hires this summer, and our department, Audio Visual Sales, had the pleasure of working with Samantha Smith. Samantha just graduated from high school and will be starting college later this month. Her plan is to attend Ivy Tech for her first two years and then transfer to Ball State to finish out. While she hasn’t totally decided what she wants to do with the rest of her life (what 18 year old…check that…when do any of us make that decision), she plans to go into the medical field.
So I’m sure being stuck at a desk at Draper wasn’t her idea of an exciting summer. But she was here every day, plugging away at the various projects that we gave her. She learned a few things about Draper and what it means to work as part of a team in an office environment. She learned how to use our system, which trust me, is NOT easy. And she learned how to be responsible to an employer and to others, working 40 hours a week and bringing home a pretty good paycheck.
She has a good role model. Her mother, Missy, has worked here for 16 years! Missy is our courier. She makes the rounds through our production facilities and in to the office several times a day. At one point, our continuous improvement team measured her walking and determined that she averages 8 miles a day. No wonder she stays so petite! Missy is dedicated and helpful. I have no doubt that Samantha will learn from her mom and be successful at whatever she decides to do with her life. Good luck Sam…and thanks for your help this summer!

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