Let me preface this post by stating that I am not a video conferencing expert. Draper has always been an accessory manufacturer, and we are beginning to offer more accessories for video conferencing. So I’ve started paying more attention to video conferencing.

I’m going to start this series by talking about our mainstay category, projection screens. I realize that many of you out there use flat panels for your video conferencing set ups. Perhaps that is exactly the right solution for your customer. But I’ve seen enough installs where it wasn’t. I recently read a blog by Paul Gragtmans from ET Group. It’s called “Screen Real Estate – a Critical Factor in Making Video Calls as Good as Being There.” His intention wasn’t necessarily to sell projection screens, but I hope that it gets you thinking about the possibility. Yes, your customer might want a flat panel, but is it really big enough for the impact they need?

Screen real estate has always been compromised in video conferencing installations and I believe it is one of the biggest mistakes people make when deploying video conferencing in their organizations.

Screen real estate is a great investment that is often not only overlooked, but can become the first point of focus when trying to pare down the cost of a video conferencing implementation.

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