Video Conferencing Camera Lift - Credenza

Video Conferencing with a Draper Credenza Camera Lift

It’s that time again…InfoComm. We look forward to it and dread it at the same time. We enjoy the rush of meeting potential new clients, showing off new and/or improved product, and spending time with co-workers outside the office setting. We dread being on our feet all day, eating on the run, the Orlando heat, and…2013 is no different. But it is!  We still have the heat and we will be on our feet all day, but this year we don’t just have new and improved product. We have a completely new product line! We are known as a screen manufacturer, so of course we are showing screens and all of our fabric options–some of them under projection. We’ll talk more about that soon. Today I’m here to talk about our Video Conferencing Solutions. 

Last year at InfoComm we showed a prototype of our Video Conferencing Camera Lift for the ceiling. It typically mounts behind a projection screen and will lower a camera into position below the viewing area. This year we have that lift and so much more, and all of them will be on display. 

If you’ve read my past blogs, I’ve talked a lot about this new line. We are introducing a new Video Conferencing Camera Lift for credenzas or tables. We have a bracket that mounts to our standard projector lifts that would allow an integrator to install a camera in the top black drop above a traditional screen. We have a pre-made camera box to make installing a camera in the wall simple and easy. We are all about hiding the camera. And perhaps most intriguing, we have quite a few of our backgrounds available to peruse. 

What’s a background? It can be several things, but it’s primarily a tool that takes away all the visual clutter behind your video conferencing participants–allowing viewers on the other side to more easily focus and stay tuned to the message. The background can be manually operated, on a fixed panel, motorized, or even portable (perfect for those that work at home or use a webcam). They come in several flavors – neutral colors, chroma key (perfect for production too), and my favorite, with custom graphics.

Backgrounds are all about image, and not just the image of the video conference. It’s about the image of the person(s) or company using it.  The background can send a message with a logo. It can include location information so that your participants have a better understanding of where everyone belongs. It can portray creativity or give an elegant and calming effect to viewers. The point is that it can quickly change the entire feel of a video conference…for the better. 

Come check out the options. You will find us at booth #2531…yes, on our feet. I will personally give you a tour!


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