BIMdocPageI’m happy to let you know that we have a brand new, comprehensive library of Revit BIM content. Complete BIM families are now available on our website for all three of our product lines.

  • Audio visual products: 23 total families, including six lift models and 17 projection screens
  • Window coverings: 9 families
  • Gymnasium equipment: 20 families, 14 of which are basketball backstops.

You will find the downloadable BIM objects under supporting documents on the individual product pages throughout our site, and also in the technical document libraries that appear in the projection screen and window shades sections of our site.

These new high quality BIM objects were built by Anguleris, an Autodesk partner, and have been thoroughly vetted by Autodesk. Our objects are easy to use and incorporate robust parametrics. Our Audio Visual products are in compliance with the InfoComm standard for BIM objects used in the audio visual industry.

Draper continues to add to our website to provide the information needed to specify and sell our products. We invite you to visit our site, and check out the new content. If you don’t see what you need, feel free to contact us. We’d like to help.

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