In the lead-up to the 2013 CEDIA Expo in Denver, a lot of talk has been about what new technologies and products will be on the show floor. But there’s also been a lot of talk about something not so technological: people.

CEDIA Expo isn’t just an opportunity to go see cool new toys (although that’s a great part of it); it’s also a chance to network with other people in the industry, share tips and tricks of the trade, get new ideas, and make new and helpful connections.

With this in mind, I headed out to the Draper Wellness Park with my guitar and performed a little ditty dedicated to this very important part of CEDIA, and it is now up on the CEDIA blog site as a vlog. A link to the post is below. If you have any comments, be sure to leave them on the CEDIA vlog post, so I’ll get credit for them in the #CEDIATweeps competition! And if you aren’t following us on Twitter (@DraperInc and @DraperAV), then do that, too!

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