Next week, several folks from Draper will be heading off to National Harbor, Maryland, for the 2015 Budget Blinds convention. Teri Boxell heads up Draper’s sales and support efforts with Budget Blinds and she has a preview for us.

Karen Reno (l) and Teri Boxell going over some of the new fabrics Draper is bringing to Budget Blinds 2015.
The theme for this year’s Budget Blinds convention is “MOVE’N on UP.” With that in mind, our goal is to show how Draper can help Budget Blinds franchises take their business up to the next level.
One way we can do that is in our breakout session, “Ease into Commercial: Upgrade outdated blinds with new Draper Shades.” During this session, Ken Rosen from Budget Blinds will join my fellow Draper Budget Blinds contact, Karen Reno, and me to discuss Draper’s “Upgrade Plan.” We all know that nothing looks less professional or is less effective at managing daylight than beat-up venetian blinds in an office or school. So we will share tips on using outdated blinds that look like props from “That 70s Show” to add muscle to the bottom line.
Karen and I will also be unveiling new Draper fabrics just for Budget Blinds franchises. Our new decorative floral designs, stripes, and textures will inject new life and energy into your business and motivate customers with creative colors and designs. We’ll also talk about “green” fabrics, and offer some tips on environmental benefits. For instance, did you know GREENGUARD® fabrics—several of which Draper provides—can benefit asthmatic customers and children? There’s free sales tip for you right there!
There will also be the usual fun stuff that comes with every Budget Blinds convention—attending networking events, catching up with the faces that go with the voices we hear every day on the phone, and, of course, attending the Windows of the World party!
If you are attending the Budget Blinds convention January 26-29 in National Harbor, I hope you’ll make sure to stop by our updated booth, and attend our sessions as well!