In our final post on Draper’s three platinum level Residential Systems’ Stellar Service Awards we will look at Draper’s sales and marketing support. We’re grateful to those Residential Systems readers who voted for us, although we must admit—with all due humility—that we agree that we do have stellar sales and marketing support.

Draper’s ad department (l-r): Mike Feeney, Terry Coffey, Josh Shopp, Vince Shockney, Jason Schober, Gini Deaton, Jeff Irving, and Penny Sitler.
Draper offers the most comprehensive screen selection tools available; using our online tools the correct screen solution can be found based on any number of factors, including but not limited to projector, light measurements, room layout, and content being viewed. We still offer literature in printed form, but also boast a full offering of catalogs, white papers, case studies, flyers, and technical documents in electronic form for quick and easy access via our website. Draper provides continuous training to keep dealers up to date on the latest product/industry developments. We work through social media to keep in touch with dealers, distributors, and end users. Through our #DraperSocial program, we even provide social media content for dealers to use on their own outreach platforms. We may even walk your car* and wash your dog* (or vice versa*). *Offer may not apply to anyone at all.
Penny Sitler is Draper’s Advertising Manager. It’s her department that comes up with all of those tools mentioned above.
“The marketing team works hard to create great tools to help the sales team and our customers match the right product to each project,” she says. “We listen closely to find the needs, and answer those needs by developing programs, researching white papers, reporting case studies, building sampling kits, and more.”
You’ll notice that word “listen” in Penny’s comment. It was also mentioned in our post about our customer service. Draper really focuses on listening to what our dealers, end users, and the industry in general are telling us.
“We listen by actively collecting feedback from our sales team, staying in direct touch with dealers and end users on social media, and participating in trade shows and industry events. We handle all marketing functions in-house, from PR and social media to website design and development, so we have a unique ability to stay close to our dealers and even end users.”
Sales and marketing support also includes a lot of good old fashioned elbow grease. Without great people, our support would be nowhere.

Draper’s Inside AV Sales team. Front row (l-r): Lindsey Martin, Ben Hamm, Scott Cash, Diana Swim, and Sandra Whitehead. Back row: Marita Roberson, Scott Shaffer, Carol Phelps, Todd Hiday, and Curt Huntley. Not pictured: Kimberly McCormick, Eric Swim.
“Our inside sales team has an average tenure of 11 years. That expertise is what allows us to provide such a high level of support.” That’s straight from the mouth of Amy Madden, who is Draper’s Sales Support Manager (and also our Lifts Product Manager). “We utilize the same design tools that we make available to our dealers, so you can count our knowing how they work. Our tools are there to supplement our inside sales team, not take the place of, and our recommendations are based on seeing how our products perform in real world scenarios thanks to our ability to set up scenarios in our various demo rooms.”
You might think that a platinum level award for sales and marketing support would be seen as a “we made it” moment. While the recognition is appreciated, however, Amy and our sales support staff plan to do even more—and go even deeper—in 2015.
“We want to know the “W”s—Who specified the project, What was specified, Why was it specified, and When and Where will it be installed? This gives us the opportunity to build a better relationship with our dealers/consultants, to develop a greater understanding of the overall market, and to make sure that the correct product is being utilized. Let us be your screen expert!”
I hope you’ll all join me in thanking our sales support and marketing departments for having such a Stellar 2014, and here’s to an even better 2015—the #YearOfDraper!