Since Draper made that first window shade back in 1902, there have been a lot of changes in the industry. Over the years new materials lead to a wider variety of products to fit different needs, and improved the look of window shades.

The old shade hem (top) compared to the new standard sealed shade hem (bottom).
Shades are no longer just those pull down coverings you remember as a little kid in school. These days shades are more than utilitarian—they also look great and can truly be part of an overall design.
Even though we’ve come a long way, however, we at Draper never stop looking for ways to make our shades work and look even better. And we’re doing it again.
We are excited to announce that we are changing our bottom hem pocket size from 2-1/8” to 1-5/8”. This change will be effective on June 1.
So why are we excited? It seems like a small change, right? Our new smaller sealed hem pocket looks nicer as our aluminum bottom hem bar fills the pocket, providing a cleaner look. With this change, we are also introducing an optional open hem pocket with a full length hem bar with plastic endcaps. This option provides a nice alternative to the standard sealed hem ends we have provided for years (the sealed ends will continue to be standard). We have included photographs to give you an idea of how these changes will look. We think you will agree that the smaller hem pocket provides a nice aesthetic improvement.

Our new shade hem pocket is now also optionally available with non-sealed ends.
Draper will continue to provide the 2 1/8” pocket on request. We realize this may be necessary for replacement shades, or on projects where the hem size needs to match existing shades. After June 1, however, you will need to tell us if you want the larger hem pocket size.