Draper ships products all over the planet. From to Abilene, Texas, to Zurich, Switzerland, at one time or another you’ll find boxes stamped “Draper” making their way through the delivery process.
Unfortunately that process can come with a lot of headaches, and it’s the job of our traffic department to be the Excedrin. Debbie Searcy is Draper’s A/R and Traffic Manager. She asked to share with you some new information about freight damage and how to report it. Take it away, Debbie!
One of the biggest headaches for Draper, our dealers, and the end user is freight damage. We ask for anyone receiving a delivery from Draper to thoroughly inspect the container and contents (if possible) as soon as it arrives. Clearly marking “Damaged” if you find any creases or holes in the container as you sign the delivery receipt for the product greatly increases the likelihood that we will successfully collect freight damages.

An example of a box with signs that there could be concealed freight damage.
However, the reason for this post is to tell you about a significant change to the Concealed Freight Damage policy from NMFC (National Motor Freight Traffic Association) which I am seeing freight carriers starting to adopt. Unless otherwise specified by the carrier, notice of loss or damage needs to be filed with the carrier within five (5) business days of the date of delivery. This is quite a reduction in days allowed to file concealed freight damage claims by some carriers. It was previously 15 days.
When you notice concealed damage to the contents of product, hold the product in the original shipping container and contact the carrier and Draper immediately.
Below is the full policy statement, taken from the NMFC’s website.
Supplement 1 to NMF 100-AO, effective April 18, 2015
(a) When damage to, or loss of, contents of a shipping container is discovered by the consignee that could not have been determined at time of delivery it must be reported by the consignee to the delivering carrier upon discovery. (b) Reports must include a request for inspection by the carrier’s representative. (c) Notice of loss or damage and request for inspection may be given by telephone or in person, but in either event must be confirmed by sa written or electronic communication. s (d) While awaiting inspection by carrier, the consignee must hold the shipping container and its contents in the same condition they were in when damage was discovered, insofar as it is possible to do so. s (e) Unless otherwise specified by the carrier, notice of loss or damage should be provided to the carrier within five (5) business days from the date of delivery. s (f) If five (5) business days, or such other period as specified by the carrier, pass between the date of delivery of the shipment by carrier and date of report of loss or damage and request for inspection by consignee, it is incumbent upon the consignee to offer reasonable evidence to the carrier’s representative when inspection is made that loss or damage was not incurred by the consignee after delivery of shipment by carrier.
Another example of possible signs of concealed freight damage.
Only participants in the NMFC® at the time the transportation occurs may use the provisions herein. 14 For explanation of abbreviations and reference marks, see last page of this Supplement. ©NMFTA 2015 ITEM 300135-A-Continued s (g) Reasonable evidence includes, but is not limited to: 1. Identifying the party(ies) responsible for unloading, 2. Identifying the chain of custody of the article, including prior transportation by any mode, 3. Location(s) of the article(s) once the shipment was received until the damage was noted, 4. Any mechanical or physical handling by the consignee subsequent to delivery by the carrier. s (h) If a clear delivery receipt is available on the shipment, e.g. no damage or shortage is noted, the claimant must provide documentation showing that damage or loss occurred prior to delivery.