This installment of our “Why Draper” series focuses on one of those people every successful organization has—someone who seems to do a little bit of everything. Amy Bradway does a lot of behind the scenes work, coordinating trade show details, managing our award displays, taking care of Draper shirts and giveaways … the list could go on and on.

Amy_DaughtersHow did you come to be working at Draper?
I was in between jobs and fortunately an AV Inside Sales position opened up at Draper. I applied as soon as I knew about it. Here I am more than five years later and I’m very appreciative for having been given the opportunity.

What do you like best about your job?
There are several things I like about my job, but I really like the people I work with. They make coming to work actually enjoyable. When I first started working at Draper I was and still am impressed how the owners greet all the employees by name. It’s a very comfortable and relaxed atmosphere.

What are some of your funniest moments at Draper?
I have several funny moments and seldom does a day go by that I don’t get the opportunity to laugh. I’m glad I get to work with so many pranksters, entertainers, and comedians … or so they think.

Amy and some of the rest of the InfoComm 2015 crew.

Amy and some of the rest of the InfoComm 2015 crew.

What do you like to do in your time away from Draper?
I spend a great amount of my time with my large extended family and a group of crazy women I’ve become friends with in the past years. I’m usually always involved in organizing or helping with family events or friend outings. In the summer you can usually find me hanging out at my friend’s pool with the crazy women I mentioned or hosting “Happy Hour.” For the quiet moments I enjoy reading and creating things for my home.

Tell us about your family:
I’ve been married to my husband, Steve, for 27 years and we have two daughters, Christine (26) and Jessie (22). Last year we gained a son-in-law, Christine’s husband, Shane. Our family also includes a very spoiled and loving golden retriever, Maisy. Maisy welcoming me home every day is always a highlight. Our home also includes two cats, Cato and Juno.

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