Now that we’ve said goodbye to Amsterdam, and returned to our regular daily work life, it’s time to take stock of the 2016 Integrated Systems Europe show.

Optically Seamless TecVision won three more awards, including this Best of Show from Installation Magazine.
We had a smaller booth this time around, because we wanted to narrow our focus on Optically Seamless TecVision and our online Projection Planner. Not only did the smaller size help us accomplish that, it also helped us have a faster booth build and teardown.
As always, Optically Seamless TecVision was very well received. Even though the MS1000X Grey screen we had in the booth was much smaller than screens where seams would be used, still people could not find the seam from five feet away—and in most cases not even when they were right up by the screen.
This particular viewing surface also gave us a chance to show off the ambient light rejecting qualities of the TecVision grey screens, and demonstrate the wide viewing angles—something not always seen on competitors’ ALR screens.
An indicator of how well-received TecVision really was can be found in the awards we received during the show. Optically Seamless TecVision won three awards—bringing the total for TecVision to 14 awards.
This time around Optically Seamless TecVision received a Best of Show award from Installation Magazine, a Best of Show from AV Technology Magazine, and a TNT (Top New Technology) Award from EH Publishing, the group which publishes Commercial Integrator and CE Pro Magazines.
Here’s what the judges from AV Technology had to say:
The mixture of seamless, high grain screen fabric with its high contrast characteristic makes the Draper Optically Seamless TecVision screen a unique and outstanding solution in prestigious AV installations. Optimum performance is achieved with simple installation at any size to suit the intended location and ambient lighting condition.

What was left of the Draper both after teardown.
I talked about TecVision in this product video recorded by rAVe Publications.
But just having a TecVision screen in your home or facility doesn’t mean you’ll have perfect projection. You need the screen with the right specs for the space and lighting conditions. That’s why we stress the importance of our Projection Planner. I’m glad we were able to help many people go through a “test drive” in the stand, and that we were able to sign up several new people to the Pro Portal so they can have free access to the Planner.
If you haven’t seen the Projection Planner yet, it’s easy to gain access. Just click here and register for the Pro Portal! It’s free—and it will give you access to the planner and several other tools as well.
In addition to meeting with current and prospective customers, I had the chance to do an interview with Joel Rollins of rAVe Publications. You can see it here.
Now it’s time to kick back, put my feet up on my desk, and take a quick rest before we start planning for ISE 2017! Oh, but first I need to get to those emails … and return that phone call … and get to that meeting … and get that order written up …