Every company has a culture. Whether intentional or not, over time each organization develops its own philosophies that make it stand apart from another. At Draper, a big part of our heartbeat is corporate citizenship.
One way we and our employees serve the surrounding community is through hosting an annual blood drive. The Indiana Blood Center brings mobile labs to Draper headquarters, where employees are encouraged to take time from their workday to donate.
This year, Draper collected 89 units, enough to save up to 267 local lives.
“Our inventory was dangerously low, and this created a much-needed boost and peace of mind to area patients in need,” said Jen Barrett, account representative for Versiti/Indiana, in a note thanking Draper employees. “Your commitment to our mission, and to your company’s community service and health initiative, is evident.”
This was Draper’s third largest collection drive.
“Hosting a blood drive is a great way to help the community,” said Bianca Heilman, Draper’s safety and wellness director, who coordinated this year’s effort. “It gives our employees a way to help, and donating blood has an immediate and deep impact on people’s lives.”
“Companies hosting blood drives is a huge boost to the blood supply. The supply is in constant need of replenishment, and there are a few times of the year when school vacations, weather, illnesses, summer breaks, holidays really hit the supply because donor participation in down,” Barrett said, “But the need for blood never gets a break. Your company’s February blood drive always is at the right time because of the weather impacts of school closings and delays and increased rates of donor sickness.”
To learn how your company can host a blood drive in Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, or Illinois, click here. In other states, click here.
“It doesn’t cost me a thing to do this, other than about 1 hour of company time,” said Esther Mendez, literature department. “And It’s a way of helping others without doing much. I started participating in 1991 when I was stationed at MCAS Tustin, California.” “Because of my Christian faith, I am always looking for ways to be a blessing to my community and the world. The blood drive is a very easy way to live this conviction out. I’m very happy to be part of a company that provides and encourages these opportunities.”-Ben Hamm, product engineer. “I have been an Emergency Medical Technician since 2003. I know that sometimes in trauma, they don’t have time to cross type blood, so they use O negative in these hurried situations. O negative can be given to anyone. They are usually in a huge need for O negative, because only 15% of the world has this blood type. I have O negative blood and I want to do my part in saving someone’s life.”-Jody Smith, receptionist. “I decided to participate in the blood drive because doing something small like that could make a difference and potentially help someone in need.”-Cody Earlywine, gym equipment. “I have never done it before. I have type O which is a universal donor and I always thought I should give so I finally decided to try it (with a little encouragement from Bianca 😊).”-Cheryl Cheetham, payroll coordinator.