If there was one overwhelming message Draper® heard at last week’s CEDIA Expo 2021, it was “welcome home!”
After a few years away, Draper returned to CEDIA with the Draper At Home collection of motorized shades for the home.
Attendance was down from the most recent live show in 2019 due to cancellations caused by COVID concerns, which gave the show a more intimate feeling.
“Although we saw fewer people than we would expect at a trade show like this, what was amazing was the type of conversations we were having, and with who,” said Randy Reece, director of audiovisual sales and marketing for Draper. “We were talking to more high-level people, and the conversations were much more serious and in-depth. People were really interested in getting to know us and our solutions, which was a really nice outcome for us.”
The Draper At Home collection introduced at CEDIA 2021 includes Motorized FlexShade® window shades, with 120V, low voltage, and battery motors, as well as manual and fixed panel shades for lesser used, out of the way, or odd shaped windows.
Reaction to Draper@Home was very positive.

“The fact that all of these shades are produced here in America, and the fact that they’ve been doing shades for a hundred years—it’s a big deal. That’s not the case with other manufacturers,” said Jason Felix, the owner of Draper manufacturing representative Performance-Plus Marketing. “I love the fact that Draper stands behind everything they sell, and that the warranty length on the shades is longer than any other I’ve seen.”
Draper At Home roller shades are powered by Somfy®. That means a wide range of control and automation options are available in a single protocol that is already well-known in the custom installation market. And using Somfy TaHoma®, Draper At Home connects with many leading automation brands for voice, remote, app, or IP control.
A great deal of interest was shown in the unmatched outdoor capabilities of Draper. Draper impressed with the wind resistant FlexShade ZIP, tensioned shading systems, and exterior Venetian Blinds by Warema.
The Draper At Home collection of indoor and outdoor shades from Draper features a wide selection of fabrics from U.S. weavers Phifer® and Mermet®, Those fabrics are included in a new shade sales kit which was also introduced at the show. The stylish but durable kit includes hundreds of Draper At Home interior and exterior fabric samples. Through the end of this week (September 17), the kit is available at a special price which, thanks to coupons on future orders, means you’ll make money on the deal. After the 17th, the coupon on future orders will pay back the cost of the kit.
Although shades were the main talking point at the show, Draper also showed off AV solutions, including the award-winning line of TecVision® viewing surfaces, and the Foundation® mount system for LED. Interest in LED is growing quickly in the CEDIA space, so the Foundation’s ease of installation and precision manufacturing were the subject of much attention.
If you weren’t able to attend CEDIA 2021, rAVE was on hand to shoot several videos. Below is a list so you can click away and visit our booth virtually from the comfort of your favorite chair.

Steph Beckett and Jentry Wittkamper Talk CEDIA Expo, Draper@Home and FlexShades
Draper Shows Clutch FlexShade NEXD and Fixed Panel Shades
Draper Walks Through Its Line Up of Motorized Shades Powered by Somfy
Draper Shows Profile+ Fixed Projection Screen, a Fixed Frame Screen
Draper Highlights Foundation Mount System for dvLED Video Wall Installations
Draper Features Digitally-Printed and Dual Roller FlexShade Line
Draper Showcases Range of Outdoor Living Shading Systems
Draper Features the Acumen Series of Surface Mounted Projection Screens
Draper Demos FlexShade ZIP Outdoor Shading System Ensuring a Sealed Enclosure
Draper Shows Button-Up FlexShare Motorized Window Shade with Fascia
Draper Launches New Draper@Home Residential Shade Line with Draper@Home Fabric Kit
To learn more about Draper At Home, click here.