New and improved carrying cases for the StageScreen, FocalPoint, and Truss Cinefold

New and improved carrying cases for the StageScreen, FocalPoint, and Truss Cinefold

Wow, record heat in many parts of the United States. Indiana is part of that–much of our state is dealing with drought conditions. The good news is this past week we have seen a little rain, and great temperatures in the 80’s. Maybe Fall is coming!

Actually, yes, fall is coming! The Draper Rental Reload Special is under way. It’s a great opportunity for our dealers to review what product they need to update or replenish their inventory, and save.

One of the most exciting items in the special is the introduction of brand new product transport cases for many of our portable folding and modular screens. They are in stock and available for shipment now!

We showed these cases at InfoComm and received some great feedback about the design. Just as we did with our revolutionary modular designs for the FocalPoint and StageScreen, we started by asking our dealers what they need in a carrying case. The new cases are slightly bigger and address many of the concerns our customers had about cases. They can stand on end for loading and unloading, open and close more easily, have a more comfortable ergonomic handle design, have a very efficient shape to accommodate more frame sections, and will just be easier to use.

If you haven’t seen our information about the Rental Reload, please call in and ask. Take a look at the special and the new cases. Hopefully we will all get to cool down soon and enjoy some cooler weather as Fall approaches.


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