I’m writing this for those of you who are Draper dealers and carry rental projection screens in your inventory. We’re ready to help you freshen up that inventory before the holidays!

Draper StageScreen

Draper StageScreen at a Health & Wellness Conference

If you haven’t considered the timing of your product needs, now would be a good time to check your stock and look at the events coming up. The current Rental Reload special offer will end on Friday, and it covers everything from small parts (have you lost a lot of Handy Cranks?) to three-screen FocalPoint and StageScreen packages. If you miss it, we will offer a similar special for a few weeks starting in December. Why not fill your equipment needs at the right time with a nice discount?

If you want more information, call your salesperson and ask about the Rental Reload. Give us a try–we listen to your needs for product design, timing of specials, and all kinds of special opportunities. We’ll work to eliminate all your reasons to say no!

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