Get it in writing.
How many times over the years have you heard this?
Of course, nowadays, with all sorts of smart devices replacing the old paper and pen, it’s probably more accurate to say “document it.”
Perhaps the wording has changed, but the truth behind it has not. In a recent blog post, InfoComm International’s Director of Standards, Ann Brigida, CTS, points out that project documentation is something people in the AV industry, in particular, should heed because it can help avoid problems with the most visible component of building systems—AV! In fact, InfoComm is currently working to develop a standard for minimum AV documentation.
Draper agrees with Ann—documentation on any AV project is crucial. It saves time and headaches as the project progresses, and helps avoid finger pointing at the end of the job if something goes wrong. And if AV systems are the most visible components in the building, the projection screen is the most visible of the lot. If it is incorrectly specified–wrong size or fabric, for instance–it’s noticed every time the screen is used. So it’s important to get it right, and documenting everything makes sure it will be right.
The more information provided to Draper, the better chance we have of getting the correct solution for the application. You can reach out directly to a person or you can study our online documents.
With our Projection Planner you plug in your details and choose the correct screen material for the lighting conditions and projector you are using. And guess what? You can document the results! When you’re finished, you can make a printer-friendly PDF showing all of the details, and what viewing surfaces are recommended for the room conditions.
Our Pro Portal can help you get samples, brochures, and updates, and we are careful to keep updated versions of spec sheets, installation instructions, and other technical documents on the Draper website.

Draper’s Projection Planner calculates and documents projection system brightness and contrast.
Some people prefer the personal touch, which is fine. Call a Draper representative. Tell us your projector and lens, room seating, and lighting conditions. We’ll walk you through our suggestions. But we won’t stop there, because this documentation thing goes both ways. We want as much documentation as possible to make sure we do the job right. Our customers should expect no less.
We will give you a dedicated quote and can even provide a custom drawing in most applications that can be used in your documentation, or used as sign off.
We feel like that level of commitment to documenting the process provides Draper dealers with protection, and provides a realistic expectation of what the delivered solution will be.
So, get it in writing: document, document, document!
You can read Ann Brigida’s full post by clicking here.