Building Toward an Even Brighter Future

Building Toward an Even Brighter Future

Yesterday was an important day for the future success of Draper. We officially unveiled the tenth building at our manufacturing campus in Spiceland, Indiana with a ribbon-cutting ceremony featuring company leadership. The 100,000 square foot building brings the amount...
Happy National STEAM Day!

Happy National STEAM Day!

Today is National STEAM Day. It’s a day to raise awareness of the importance of science, technology, engineering, and math education. All five of the STEAM disciplines are extremely important every day at Draper. Here are a few examples of STEAM in action. ScienceYou...
Summer Employees Gain Real World Experience

Summer Employees Gain Real World Experience

Every summer the average age and years of experience of Draper employees takes a dip as we welcome college students into our ranks. This annual tradition benefits our summer interns by providing real-world experience and an opportunity to earn some money over the...
Navigating Challenging Economic Times

Navigating Challenging Economic Times

Why has Draper been able to survive and thrive through challenging economic times and over a span of generations? Draper President Chris Broome says it’s because the company has always been proactive seeking for new ways to grow the business. “We’ve never been...
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