Barbeque Heaven

Barbeque Heaven

Two Draper employees share an unusual avocation – competitive barbequing. Debbie Searcy wears two important hats at Draper – Credit Manager and Traffic Manager. She and her husband Doug have been barbequing competitively for three years as the Hoosier...
Beki and Her Bike

Beki and Her Bike

One of Draper’s new wellness programs this year was called “Back on Your Bike.” It was a real success, with many employees meeting the goal of riding 200 miles over the course of the program. Beki Chambers, of our IT department, was one of those...

Draper Employee Luncheons – 2011

Each year in early March we have our Annual Employee Meeting in the Spiceland gym. Draper’s owners tell our employees how the company did in the year just ended, and offer a forecast for the year to come. During the summer and fall we host a series of employee...
Why We Are Located in Spiceland

Why We Are Located in Spiceland

Draper is headquartered in Spiceland, Indiana, a community of 800 people located one hour east of Indianapolis. Many customers and suppliers who visit us live in large cities. Some think it odd, perhaps quaint, that we would choose to be located in such a small town....
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