by Draper, Inc. | Apr 10, 2014 | From the President's Desk, Home Theatre
Residential Systems, one of the leading trade journals in the home theatre industry, recently conducted its first Stellar Service Awards reader poll, giving its readers the opportunity to vote for their favorite suppliers in each of eleven categories. The top vote...
by Terry Coffey | Feb 4, 2014 | Draper Updates, Home Theatre, Pro AV Integration, Screen Technology
For the past few weeks, Draper has been building up to a big announcement. We’ve dropped hints, shown glimpses, and provided a few scant clues about it. Certain members of our staff have even been threatened with possible bodily harm. Today, finally, is the big day!...
by Terry Coffey | Jan 30, 2014 | Home Theatre, International Update, Pro AV Integration, Screen Technology
The word was out in the halls of Draper. A big announcement was coming. An announcement that would be made at the Integrated Systems Europe trade show, February 4-6 in Amsterdam. Even though I’m a short-timer here at Draper—15 years come July—I know that prying...
by Terry Coffey | Sep 6, 2013 | Draper Updates, External Videos, Home Theatre
In the lead-up to the 2013 CEDIA Expo in Denver, a lot of talk has been about what new technologies and products will be on the show floor. But there’s also been a lot of talk about something not so technological: people. CEDIA Expo isn’t just an...
by Terry Coffey | Aug 21, 2013 | Draper Updates, Home Theatre, Screen Technology
Perfection. It’s a word that gets bandied about quite a bit. Sometimes, it seems overused, until you stop and ask yourself: What does perfection mean? What makes something “perfect?” Is the idea of perfection subjective, or objective? A while back I was listening to...
by Terry Coffey | Jun 18, 2013 | Draper Updates, Home Theatre, Screen Technology
As one of the #CEDIATweeps chosen by CEDIA, I will be tweeting and blogging this summer in an effort to help promote CEDIA EXPO 2013. The job of #CEDIATweeps is to educate our followers about the organization, and get people to register for the Expo. The person who...